Reynoldsburg City Schools News Article

There's a REYN App for that!

Reynoldsburg City Schools is pleased to unveil the REYN App, another communication tool to ensure District information is at your fingertips.
Available for free on both the iTunes Apple App store and the Google Play store, the REYN app allows parents to follow the District and their children’s schools more closely for news and announcements.
Teachers also have the option to create an account and share classroom news and information with their students. 
The REYN app is available in 88 different languages and also has a COVID-19 symptom screener that parents can use when assessing symptoms at home before sending their students to school.

REYN App Flyer
As a part of our Five-Year Strategic Plan, RCS has committed to engage and support the Raider community in the use of multiple methods of communication for parents, students and staff. This app is simply another communication tool, so you can customize how you want to receive your updates, whether it is through phone calls, texts, social media or the app.
We hope you enjoy the app and find it helpful as we continue to find new and innovative ways with which to communicate to our community.  
Take a picture of the QR code to download the REYN App today!
QR Code

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