Reynoldsburg City Schools News Article

Raider Spotlight: April Bragg

April Bragg, a teacher at Reynoldsburg High School, holds a card and flowers with balloonsApril Bragg is currently a business teacher at Reynoldsburg High School-Livingston Campus and has been teaching since 2002. 

“I left the business sector to teach business classes because I wanted to give young people relevant information about being fiscally responsible. These skills are used every day and can have positive or negative effects in their future. Allow students to see a future where they're not just consumers but think like an investor,” Ms. Bragg said.
Ms. Bragg has been nominated for Ohio Teacher of the Year, an honor that stunned and humbled her when she got an email at school about the nomination.

“The students began cheering and agreeing, I then felt overwhelmed to tears but I couldn't upset the students with tears. I do the best I can, not knowing if I'm doing it right (like parenting) then when someone recognizes my efforts, it makes me feel like I'm doing some things right,” she said.
In a nomination letter sent by a colleague, her love for teaching was noted: “Bragg is passionate about teaching business and makes it relevant in all her lessons. It has been said she’s had this impact on students everywhere she goes.”
According to the Ohio Department of Education, the award elevates the teaching profession by identifying exceptional teachers and celebrating effective, inspiring work in and out of the classroom.

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