Facility Use/Rental

Facility Use/Rental

Facility Use/Rental

The Board of Education believes in the fullest and best use of the physical facilities of the residents of the District. Use of the facilities by both school and student sponsored activities, as well as by community organizations and groups is encouraged. The Board of Education makes school facilities available to the community to the extent possible without interfering with school programming or incurring costs to the school district.
All facility rentals must go through an online application process. First, it is recommended that you carefully review Board Policy 7510 - COMMUNITY USE OF FACILITIES. To access the online facility use request portal, you must first complete this Google Facility Requesting Information Form. Once this form is completed and submitted you will receive an email with additional information and instructions for accessing the online request portal.
If you are a CURRENT STAFF MEMBER, you can use your google account to log in by CLICKING HERE.
 If you need assistance or have any questions regarding school district rental procedures, please contact the Business Office at 614-501-1026 or by email at [email protected].
RCS Asset Inventory
This image is a snapshot of Reynoldsburg City Schools' asset inventory and tentative replacement schedule through 2034.

The categories are:
Assets: includes roofs, HVAC systems, elevators, buses, parking lots, etc.
Preventative Maintenance:  estimates to maintain systems such as alarms, pest control, salt for ice removal, etc.
Athletics: estimates to repair and/or maintain athletic facilities and equipment.
Utilities: estimates for electricity, water, gas, etc.

Please note these are estimates and projected costs and will be addressed in order of priority. We continually review priorities and some items may take precedence. If you have questions, we encourage you to attend a Buildings and Grounds Committee meeting for more information.

Facility Assets Inventory and Replacement Schedule

Facility Use/Rental Request Link and Contact

Please CLICK HERE to submit a Facility Use/Rental Request.  If you need assistance or have any questions regarding school district rental procedures, please contact 614-501-1026 or email us at [email protected].    


Rates and Policies
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