Reynoldsburg City Schools News Article

Board of Education Urges State Lawmakers to Commit to Constitutional Requirement

The Reynoldsburg City Schools Board of Education has passed a resolution expressing support to fulfill Ohio’s constitutional mandate to fund a thorough and efficient public school system. By a unanimous vote March 21, 2023, the Board requested the Ohio General Assembly and Ohio Governor Mike DeWine to “commit to fully funding the Fair School Funding Plan as it was initially recommended including current inputs and including conducting the proposed study to determine the cost of educating economically disadvantaged children.”

Legislation being considered by state lawmakers, including increasing the availability of vouchers for students to attend private schools at the expense of the public taxpayer and House Bill 1 that would change Ohio’s tax code, could mean a revenue loss to Reynoldsburg City Schools. Based on calculations provided by the Ohio Association of School Business Officials, the approximate revenue loss in the first year of implementation could be between a half million dollars to as much as $2.5 million, depending on what lawmakers approve.

A certified copy of the resolution is being sent to members of the Ohio House and Senate, including the House speaker and Senate president, and Gov. DeWine.

Read the resolution voted on by the Board.

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