Parent Car Line
Parents remain in their vehicles and line up in the parking lot at the far side of the lot. Please be aware that buses cross the parent drop-off line near the football field entrance. Do not block the bus lane!
All families will be provided a colored card with their child’s name on it and the cards must be in the front passenger window of your car.
Students may get out of the car assisted by staff when the car pulls up to a numbered cone.
As you approach the drop-off zone please make sure to have your child’s backpack and other items ready for staff.
After you have dropped your child off please pull forward and exit onto Livingston Avenue at the traffic light.
Parent pick-up will follow the same rules in reverse. Staff do not fasten your child. If you need to do this please pull forward until you are clear of the line and then fasten your child.
You may also choose to park and walk up to get your child at the end of pick-up time.
Bus Transportation
Students who are eligible for bus transportation will be notified when transportation has been assigned for the student. Families can also check on their student's transportation by going to E-Link and completing the following steps:
1. Enter your user name (your student ID Number, which is the last 6 digits, i.e. 999111)
2. Enter Password (Default is Student ID number, which is the last 6 digits, i.e. 999111)
3. Click the students tab at the top left corner of the page
4. Click 'View My Student' from the drop-down
5. Click on the student's name
6. Bus information will appear
- If you have more than one student in the district all of your students’ names will appear and you can click on each student to get their bus stop information.
Please be at the bus stop 15 minutes before the pick-up and drop-off time. Preschool students MUST have an adult to get them on and off of the school bus.