The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires states to establish procedures to assure that, "to the maximum extent appropriate," students with disabilities are educated with typical children. Removal of students with disabilities from the regular educational environment is permitted only when the nature or severity of the disability is such that education in the regular classes, with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily.
Collaboration/Consultation Services - Regular Education Classes
Collaboration/consultation services focus on special educators and general educators working together to best meet the needs of exceptional children as well as children who may be "at risk." Each building operates Intervention Assistance Teams to promote cooperative teacher planning, to individualize learning experiences and to effectively integrate resources which would positively impact the child's educational program.
Supplemental Services Teacher
The supplemental services teachers provide supplemental aides and services necessary to enable a student with a disability to receive an appropriate education in the regular classroom environment.
Individual/Small Group
The Individual/Small Group Instruction program provides services for students with disabilities who are enrolled in one or more academic areas with support that helps to increase their opportunity to benefit from regular class placement. This is supplemental instruction which focuses on assisting students in becoming independent in the "process" of learning through the use of compensatory strategies, intervention support and study/organizational techniques.
Special Education Resource Room
The Special Education Resource Room serves children whose disabilities or exceptionality requires a special education program on a part-time basis. Continued participation in the child's regular class activities is encouraged. The Resource Rooms offers an alternative, basic skills or functional curriculum which provides a student with a disability or exceptionality with a personalized option that is not offered in the general education program. An individualized reporting procedure is used for assessing the performance level of each child.
Separate Facility
Separate facilities are, typically, schools outside of the district that are designed specifically for students with disabilities.
Home Instruction
Home instruction is an individualized education program provided to a child with a disability or an exceptionality which prevents the child from attending a regular or special program even with the aid of special transportation.
Institutions and Hospitals