Reynoldsburg City Schools serves about 1,000 students with disabilities each year and employs about 100 special education personnel. About 15 percent of the Reynoldsburg student population has been identified with a disability.
These exceptional students have unique characteristics and needs, many of which are best met by the classroom teacher who differentiates instruction for them with support from a special education specialist. Our intervention specialists work cooperatively with classroom teachers and other school personnel to ensure a common understanding and response to all of our students with special needs. We use collaborative teaching to support the inclusion of children with special needs in the general education classroom. Collaborative teaching benefits all students in the classroom by adding a second teacher, and it supports differentiated instruction. Some exceptional students require more intensive services in a resource-room setting.
Programs serving children with learning differences, speech/language needs and other related services are available in all buildings. Children with multiple areas of exceptionalities and personal/social behavior needs are served in specialized programs. Some programs are available through cooperative placements with other neighboring districts. Through the Special Education Program, all eligible children receive special instruction specifically designed to meet their unique educational needs, in accordance with state and federal requirements. All special education services are provided at no cost to the parent.