Grades 3-8: Students will take achievement assessments in English Language Arts and Math, with additional science assessments in grades 5 and 8.
High School: Students are required to take end-of-course exams in English Language Arts II, Integrated Math I/Algebra I, Integrated Math II/Geometry, Biology, American History, and American Government. High school students must also take the ACT, a nationally standardized assessment. Additionally high school students are eligible to participate in the ASVAB, PSAT and SAT.
Alternative Pathways for Graduation: Students who have not met the required competency scores in Math I and ELA II end-of-course exams must take these tests at least twice in order to be eligible for an alternative pathway to graduation.
Additionally, students in grades 1-8 will take the MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) assessment in reading and mathematics three times per year. More details about MAP can be found here MAP Growth - NWEA.
At grades 2, 4, and 6, the district administers the CoGat test to determine eligibility for gifted identification and services. The state has strict criteria for gifted designations. For more information, please visit the Ohio Department of Education’s gifted education page.
For additional information on Ohio’s State Assessments, please
click here.