The Standards-Based Report Card is designed to communicate how students are doing in math, language arts, science, and social studies. Standards-based reporting communicates with parents specific expectations of student's learning; this information is helpful in planning academic support at school and from home.
There are four levels of achievement on the Elementary Standards-Based Report Card.
E- Consistently demonstrates exceptional mastery and higher level thinking of grade-level standard. A student earning an “E” independently uses and applies knowledge in ways that consistently demonstrate higher level thinking skills. The student demonstrates exceptional mastery of grade-level standards.
M- Consistently meets and applies grade-level standard independently. A
student earning an “M” demonstrates expected understanding of grade-level standards and requires minimal support.
P- Progressing toward expected understanding of grade-level standard with assistance. A student earning a “P” has not yet met the standard, but is progressing toward achieving skills and learning grade-level standards.
L- Shows limited/inconsistent application of grade-level standard. A
student earning an “L” is currently not meeting the grade-level standards. The student demonstrates an inconsistent
understanding and application of knowledge.
A Parent Guide is available to the right to help families understand their child's report card.