English Language Learners (ELL)

English Language Learners (ELL)

English Language Learners

Our English Language Learners (ELL) program supports students who are not proficient in the English language in order to provide them with an equal educational opportunity. The ELL program helps students develop their English reading, writing and speaking skills through an interactive and comprehensive series of classes.

Instruction is available for all students for whom English is not the first language and who need specialized instruction in English in order to be successful in an academic environment. Students are screened and those identified as needing ELL services receive instruction at their home school.

ELL course offerings include three levels of English classes: beginning, intermediate and advanced, and two levels of social studies: beginning and intermediate. After initial placement, students have the opportunity to advance to a higher-level course during the school year, provided they have made the appropriate growth in language proficiency.

Reynoldsburg receives Title I funds and offers  assistance to students with limited English proficiency using these funds. The Reynoldsburg City Schools currently services students representing 57 different language backgrounds.

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ELL Parent Resources
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