Guardianship: Granted through the court, usually temporary or expiring on the child's 18th birthday. This is valid ONLY in the state in which it is granted. If you are coming from outside of Ohio, you must have jurisdiction transferred from the original court to an Ohio court before enrollment is possible.
Custody: Granted through the court, usually long term. Temporary and Emergency Orders granted by the court are acceptable for enrollment.
Reallocation of Parental Rights: Only the parent designated as School Placement Parent (or similar phrasing) in a divorce or shared parenting agreement may enroll a child in school. District of Residence is determined by that parent's address. The parent not designated as School Placement Parent must petition the court of original jurisdiction for a Reallocation of Parental Rights (or similar phrasing) requesting that he/she be named as such. This may be done through mediation, but not considered finalized until the order has been signed by a judge and filed in the court.
Unwed Parents: In the State of Ohio, parental rights default solely to the mother of all children born to unwed couples after January 1, 1998, until otherwise ordered by a court. Fathers must have an affidavit of paternity AND court-granted custodial rights in order to enroll the child in school and participate in any educational decisions both disciplinary and academic.
House Bill 130 (Grandparent Power of Attorney): This is a short term agreement which extends parental rights to biological grandparents without taking any rights away from the custodial parent. It is only valid while a student is residing full-time with the grandparent. The order allows the grandparent to enroll the child in school and attend functions as the custodial parent would. It must be filed in the court and is a quick and inexpensive procedure as opposed to any of the other options above.
Notarized statements / POA from the current custodial parent(s) are NOT acceptable.